Karuna Trust

Over 30 years of Integrated Rural Development
Karuna Trust believes affordable, ideally free, universal access to health care is the fundamental right of all Indians; such access is a true testimony to the usefulness of all the economic and technological progress India has made.
Karuna Trust has pioneered and implemented a successful Public-Private-Partnership model that helps leverage the government’s significant investment in public health care infrastructure by complementing it with a socially committed, not-for-profit but professionally competent management team.With a prime objective of ‘Reaching the Unreached’ to provide health care to the underserved and the poor in the remote areas, Karuna Trust continues to serve the community it has been serving with renewed vigor and dedication.

Primary Health Centres

Karuna Trust currently manages 59 Primary Health Care Centres (PHCs) in 5 states of India:

Karnataka, Odisha, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur and Meghalaya

Our Work

Primary Health Care

Secondary Health Care

Livelihood & Sustainable Development

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Help us support long-term change towards access of healthcare services at the grass-root level

Recent Updates

Vivekananda Medical Students Scholarship Programme Applications Open!

The Medical students’ scholarship program of Karuna Trust is to provide scholarships for deserving students who are meritorious and economically backward. This scholarship program is being sponsored by the alumni of BMC and late Dr. Iychettira Saraswaty Subbiah....

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